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Ser.Tec. Group in line with the latest government provisions regarding the fight against the spread of the epidemic due to the COVID-19 virus, has adopted all the precautions for which we communicate to all customers / suppliers that the company is open and operational through our usual contact details:

  • for orders and information
  • for commercial requests and quotes
  • Telephone +39 0422798184

To send requests or orders, it is preferable to use our email contacts to receive immediate answers also from our staff who works in a "smart-working" mode. The company instead remains closed to the public until new provisions.

Technical assistance

Send your requests to and you will receive telephone and / or remote support from our staff thus trying to limit as much as possible any displacements of the technical staff given the current situation. The shipment and receipt of goods remains active normally with certain limitations due to couriers so it is advisable to think about having a supply of inks and consumables.

Remember to prepare your machine for long time stop! If you got any doubts contact our technicians

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Ser.Tec. America brings everything you need for screen and digital printing in any surface or substrate, avaible to North and South America!

Contact us and we will reply you with all the information you need.

Phone / Fax

+1 813-957-4139 Sales

‭+1 (561) 460-3540‬  Tecnical support