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After presenting the ICut cutting plotter at Viscom 2019 Ser.Tec. expands its range of cutting equipment with the ICut XL. ICut XL has a useful working area starting from 2500x1300mm which in the carpet version reaches 3000mm without restrictions on the length on which it is possible to cut various materials up to a thickness of 50mm . In addition to the classic workable materials such as corrugated cardboard, plastic panels, thick gray cardboard, sheets of PVC, adhesive sheets, gaskets, leathers etc it is also possible to cut foam panels thanks to the wide range of tools available including tools for V cutting, kiss cut, oscillating, creasing tools etc. The powerful suction table holds all the materials in place resulting in extremely precise cuts.
Thanks to the intuitive software and the ICut XL touch screen user panel, it is simple to use, allowing you to start using the machine in just a few hours of training. Product page

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