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Ser.Tec. Group is pleased to introduce new sales manager Mr. Dario Rampinelli very professional figure in print market thanks to his past experience. Started his commercial career at Eastman Kodak Company as sales manager for the northern Italy financial market he continued in companies like Unilink, Roland DG, Bompan etc etc gaining 25 years of experience in the sale of digital systems for the world of visual communication and in industrial applications as Sales manager and Sales Director with responsibility both national and international markets.
His experience combined whit our dynamism will be the key to face new challenges and new projects.

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Ser.Tec. America brings everything you need for screen and digital printing in any surface or substrate, avaible to North and South America!

Contact us and we will reply you with all the information you need.

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+1 813-957-4139 Sales

‭+1 (561) 460-3540‬  Tecnical support