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Eagle UV: jigs for plastic tubes

Eagle 60 QR CODE
Eagle 60 variable data
removable boards
Eagle 60 dima
Eagle 60 QR CODE
Eagle 60 variable data
removable boards
Eagle 60 dima

This Eagle UV 60 has been customized for the qr code and variable data printing on plastic tubes.
The printer features three removable jigs with specific shape for the tubes so they are keept in constant position and easy the loading/unloading operation. 
The color configuration with 4 whites and 4 blacks allow to achieve excellent results of coverage even at higher speeds while maintaining the high definition of codes to allow an error-free reading.


  • Jigs tailored for the material
  • Removable jigs also while the printer is in function
  • Rapid and precise jig positioning
  • Configurazione colore personalizzata: 4 bianchi 4 neri
  • Customized color configuration: 4 whites 4 blacks


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